The most important aspect of life is to “Believe in Yourself”. The Five Boosters that would take you closer to achieving your goal whether it’s to crack CAT or scoring high in CBSE exam or attaining satisfaction at workforce are:
1) Set up Realistic Goals & Deadlines
2) Learn from Setbacks
Success would bring hardships, setbacks, and sometimes that can lead a person dejected. One should always take these setbacks as one step closer to achieving success. If you follow the right path and build your way towards it , one should accept the highs and lows . Learn from your setbacks so that you won’t repeat the same mistakes or difficulties in the future and be positive in the ways of handling the setbacks. For example if in first attempt of your mock test you score poorly, spend time on the test again, find out your mistakes , make notes on how to improve your score and clear your fundas so that you do not repeat the mistakes. If you make sure you follow these things, that’s one step closer to success and this setback of yours would be a positive learning.
3) Innovation & Challenge
One can innovate if its mind is open for new ideas all the time and one is ready to take the challenge. One should improvise to bring about changes in how you study for an an exam or how you perform duties at your workplace. Anything monotonous makes life dull and one stop challenging its mind. So for example to crack a mathematical reasoning, data capacity question in CAT or GMAT one needs to analyze the question and improvise accordingly to find quicker ways to solve that type of question.
4) Self Confidence and Gather Skills
A confident person would definitely go far in life. Never lose hope and always believe in your abilities and skills. Always evaluate yourself and make sure you are grounded when you achieve success. A person should not be selfish and should always be ready for a healthy conversation or debate because its always important to listen to other viewpoints as some important findings can be gathered which would add value to your life. Take help from others because that will add arsenal to your knowledge and skills. Guidance from your parent or teacher or colleague won’t hurt your confidence whereas you will gain respect with your community.
5) Believe in Yourself
As I mentioned right when I started the article, the most important aspect is to “BELIEVE IN YOURSELF”. The vision/goal that you are aiming for, believe in it. Don’t let any setback bother you down whereas work on your strengths, innovate, challenge yourself, be responsible and always work hard. I can assure you by believing in yourself you will feel that sense of accomplishment and start enjoying each day accomplishments and celebrate your success and setbacks. As in life there is no failure, it’s only a setback and that setback is a step closer to achieving your success.