Shemeji Melayeki (Adam) is the holder of Bsc. Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness where he graduated in 2012 at Sokoine University of Agriculture. He also studied MATI-Mlingano and Kibaha High School.
He is author, teacher, motivational speaker, preacher, business consultant and a business man.
He is now a shareholder director of various companies in Morogoro. He started to speak from 2004 at various church congregations, primary and secondary school kids, university Students’ Fellowships, various groups, etc where his best message is changing mindset and growth. He inspires people to take charge on their own lives and beat their own records of success.

Shemeji Melayeki (Adam)
Cell: +255 714 548 565
+255 763 965 297
E-mail: adamzmelayeki@gmail.com
Facebook account: Shemeji Adamizinton-Success Melayeki
Facebook page: Change Minds Change Lives