any get in the universities believing that they will come with knowledge
that will make them fight in life very cheaply.
Based on my own research, I have found that many universities are
similar to job seeking seminars and not intended to teach and prepare the
students to become what they can be in life to bring changes. Very few discover
their course of life and many end up becoming job seekers. If you don’t believe
this, prepare two seminars; one based on Job Seeking Techniques plus calling
their prospective employers and the other let it be based on entrepreneurship
plus calling some well known entrepreneurs in the region. Observe the response-
many will attend Job Seeking Techniques seminar and few will attend entrepreneurship
seminar. I have never been motivated by
JST seminars and I suggest that it should not be given a priority. Deployment
is better than employment. I also suggest that if you are employed grow in the
manner that you will soon create employment and do not be an employee forever.
Getting the job should not be the end of growth. If you are not studying to be
employment, you are increasing your
knowledge and understanding about various issue, situations and activities so
that you can do them better. Do not try to fit in the needs of someone
(employer) but the needs of the world. I’m challenging university graduates
that, they should help their nations to create employment opportunities and
stop becoming the burden to their government.