Wednesday, February 22, 2012



 Sometimes what you count as a crisis is just a situation that you don’t like.
 The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them”
- George Bernard Shaw 
Make the most of the crisis you face and don’t wait for someone to do something. If you can see it you can deal with it. Do not just complain about the   situation look for the solutions.  I attended the discussion of Tanzania agriculture development since independence November 2011 held at Sokoine University of Agriculture and heard many complains to the government. I told my friend Antony Kapola about the situation and ended up telling him that “it is a sin to be told about the problem and not think of the solution”.  We concluded that whatever the situation we don’t like in our nation we must find the way to do it and stop being in the crowd who always complain and keep doing nothing expecting that changes will happen one day.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”
Edmund Burke
A man of change will always say “I will do something” in the midst of the crisis. Being still and wishing makes no one great.   When Israelites were crossing the desert to Canaan, every time they faced a crisis those who complained made themselves prone to death. But Mosses did something every time the crises rise.   What a wonderful mind, he seeks for direction what to do by asking God how. Put your mind to work during your difficult situation, settle down and think what to do. Don’t look for someone to blame. Don’t use your feelings and stop your brain. Don’t welcome fear in the battle field. Believe that one with God is majority. Remove the sense of loneliness out of your mind; you have all you need to conquer your enemies. J. Edgar Roberts insisted
Every human mind is a great slumbering power until awakened by a keen desire and a definite resolution to do
When you say I can’t, you mind will switch to what I call “I CANTISM MODE”    from there is your destruction starts. It’s like your mind has obey your instructions to switch ON or OFF to that mode.
A successful man will never see the day that doesn’t bring a fresh quota of problems, and the mark of success is to deal with them effectively
Lauris Norstad 

from the book SWEET CRISES

                   by SHEMEJI MELAYEKI

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Challenges and what to do with them

 Challenges and what to do with them

What do you do when you face a challenge in your life?

 Every person in life has faced a difficult situation one time. Others are in them right now and others are about to get in one now. You can hear some people giving testimonies on how the conquered when they faced such a situation, the winning tactics, the lesson they have learned and the vivid output of that crisis. It may be through education, social life, marriage, business, politics, or any other area of life. If you can trace among many people they really don’t know what to do after them or when the situation is prevailing. Relationships have broken various times and not know why, businesses have collapsed and not know why, and governments failed and not know why. I used to read the book of Exodus in the Bible and asked the question “why did it take many years for the Israelites to cross that desert?” I don’t believe that God was punishing them but whatever God intended for them to learn He did not allow them to go forward until they grasped that idea. God was killing every slavery nature from Egypt so that they can enjoy the promise land like free people and not like slaves. My dear friend, “until you learn something from a crisis you’re facing now you will remain in it forever or die along the way to your bright future”. Stop your deadly complains and grasp the important lessons found in your passing troubles. Yes, they are passing and they won’t pass until you harvest its fruits and dig out the trees of pains from roots.   
Oswald Avery gave and interesting statement “whenever you fall pick up something” how many times have you got a fall and not pick anything important? I believe that nothing happens for nothing, whether you see it or not will always be there. 
The fact is that, no one can avoid a crisis in life. May be if there is no sense of growth in your life. John Mason wrote “Paths without obstacles don’t lead to anywhere important”. As long as you’re planning to have a fruitful life, you can’t escape the obstacles and crises.
The safest road to hell is a gradual one-the gentle slope, soft under foot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without sign posts
C. S. Lewis
 Dr. David O. Oyedepo wrote in his book Winning the War against Povertychallenges line up the path of champions”. You can’t be a champ in boxing until you fought in the ring and win.  So, the problem for many people is what to do when they face challenges.  Do you quit? Do you complain?


How do you take a crisis? A curse? Have you ever heard some people saying “why me? This queue of problems I’m tired of this life, God has forsaken me” and so many other wrong sentences. This is just expression of pains that will never let you see the truth about your crises.
When we know that everything has two faces, let us look at the bright side only
Mahatma Gandhi
  One day I thought how to get out of problem that captured me that I can’t do my own stuffs well. I started to blame everything around me then I quoted myself saying “only when you blame you become lame” and “the greatest opportunity of the person who is complaining in the wilderness is death” I stopped the negatives thoughts and start to think how to enjoy. I usually ask myself how can i successfully harness it, how can I get a lesson it carries. At last I learned that I can only become harder when I face hardship, the more you face hardship and learn from them HARDSHIP will no longer be your problem.
Norman Vincent Peale is right when he said “every problem has in it the seeds of its own solution. If you don’t have any problems, you don’t get any seeds”.
John Mason wrote “difficulty give birth to opportunity” and Lord Kelvin said “when you’re to face with a difficulty, you’re up against a discovery”
  Do you know why eagles enjoy the storms while all other birds hide in leaves and branches of the trees or run to their nests? An eagle uses the raging storm’s wind to lift it higher. This gives an eagle an opportunity to glide and rest its wings. That’s why an eagle is a king of birds.  We can use the storms of life to rise to greater heights. Achievers relish challenges and use them profitably.
Dr. Myles Munroe
When you’re sensitive to the difficulty situation in life in a positive way, you can see yourself cultivating a very strong character that will be useful in your future. I remain optimistic that crises are the sources of many discoveries. You can use them to discover your hidden potentials. SO CRISES ARE SWEET;
The highest reward for man’s toil is not what he gets for it, but what he becomes by it
John Ruskin

Most of the significant things done in the world were done by persons who were either too busy or too sick! There are very few ideal and leisurely settings for the discipline of growth
-Robert Thornton Henderson
Without grains of gritty irritating sands, there would be no pearls of great price
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in the moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at the times of challenges and controversy
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity
Sir Winston Churchill
from the book SWEET CRISES
                  by SHEMEJI MELAYEKI

Friday, February 10, 2012



any get in the universities believing that they will come with knowledge that will make them fight in life very cheaply.  Based on my own research, I have found that many universities are similar to job seeking seminars and not intended to teach and prepare the students to become what they can be in life to bring changes. Very few discover their course of life and many end up becoming job seekers. If you don’t believe this, prepare two seminars; one based on Job Seeking Techniques plus calling their prospective employers and the other let it be based on entrepreneurship plus calling some well known entrepreneurs in the region. Observe the response- many will attend Job Seeking Techniques seminar and few will attend entrepreneurship seminar.  I have never been motivated by JST seminars and I suggest that it should not be given a priority. Deployment is better than employment. I also suggest that if you are employed grow in the manner that you will soon create employment and do not be an employee forever. Getting the job should not be the end of growth. If you are not studying to be employment, you are increasing your knowledge and understanding about various issue, situations and activities so that you can do them better. Do not try to fit in the needs of someone (employer) but the needs of the world. I’m challenging university graduates that, they should help their nations to create employment opportunities and stop becoming the burden to their government.

Thursday, February 9, 2012




Selfishness has made many people prone to poverty. The dangerous effect to selfish people is losing ability to expand. If you cannot think of someone else, you’re just making yourself too little. You think of what of what is sufficient to you. See what many great men were doing. They discovered a lot of things when they were thinking on how to solve the problems that were facing human race and not their lives alone. Some had freedom and they fought for the freedom of other men, they had food but they worked hard to feed other men and many other things were many on behalf of others. They produced things which weren’t for their own consumption. The best way to think big is through carrying others in your mind. You can’t think small.
One day I heard Dr. Myles Munroe teaching and he said “the vision that intend to benefit you alone is not from God” vision should not be judged by the profit it profit it bring but the impact it generate.  We do have rains because clouds are not selfish. Don’t be too conscious of yourself.
The core for sin is I no matter how you spell it
Ed Cole
You’ll always have everything in life that you want if you’ll help enough other people get what they want”
Zig Ziglar
True leadership always begin with servanthood, while selfishness always ends in self destruction
John Mason
When a man is wrapped in himself, he makes a pretty small package
John Ruskin
The way to the throne is through the servant quarters
An old saying
he man who lives for himself is a failure, even if he gains much wealth, power or position he is a failure”
Norman Vincent Peale
“But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister; And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant:”
Mathew 20:26, 27

 “But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.”
Mathew 23:11

Don’t think too much of yourself. Try to cultivate the habit of thinking of others; this will reward you. Selfishness always brings its own revenge

Charles Elliot
The bigger a man’s head gets, the easier it is to fill his shoes
Henry Courtney
The greatest magnifying glasses in the world are man’s own eyes when they look upon his own person
Alexander Pope
Don’t miss the plan of God by self-consumption
Rick Renner
The person who is deeply in love with oneself should get a divorce
John Mason
Even postage stamps becomes useless when they get stuck to themselves”
John Mason