Wednesday, February 22, 2012



 Sometimes what you count as a crisis is just a situation that you don’t like.
 The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them”
- George Bernard Shaw 
Make the most of the crisis you face and don’t wait for someone to do something. If you can see it you can deal with it. Do not just complain about the   situation look for the solutions.  I attended the discussion of Tanzania agriculture development since independence November 2011 held at Sokoine University of Agriculture and heard many complains to the government. I told my friend Antony Kapola about the situation and ended up telling him that “it is a sin to be told about the problem and not think of the solution”.  We concluded that whatever the situation we don’t like in our nation we must find the way to do it and stop being in the crowd who always complain and keep doing nothing expecting that changes will happen one day.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”
Edmund Burke
A man of change will always say “I will do something” in the midst of the crisis. Being still and wishing makes no one great.   When Israelites were crossing the desert to Canaan, every time they faced a crisis those who complained made themselves prone to death. But Mosses did something every time the crises rise.   What a wonderful mind, he seeks for direction what to do by asking God how. Put your mind to work during your difficult situation, settle down and think what to do. Don’t look for someone to blame. Don’t use your feelings and stop your brain. Don’t welcome fear in the battle field. Believe that one with God is majority. Remove the sense of loneliness out of your mind; you have all you need to conquer your enemies. J. Edgar Roberts insisted
Every human mind is a great slumbering power until awakened by a keen desire and a definite resolution to do
When you say I can’t, you mind will switch to what I call “I CANTISM MODE”    from there is your destruction starts. It’s like your mind has obey your instructions to switch ON or OFF to that mode.
A successful man will never see the day that doesn’t bring a fresh quota of problems, and the mark of success is to deal with them effectively
Lauris Norstad 

from the book SWEET CRISES

                   by SHEMEJI MELAYEKI